श्री राम नवमी हिंदू धर्म का एक महत्वपूर्ण त्योहार है, जो भगवान रामचंद्र के त्रेता युग में अयोध्या की पवित्र धरती पर अवतार लेने का उपलक्ष्य में मनाया जाता है. सभी वैदिक ग्रंथ इस बात की पुष्टि करते हैं कि भगवान विष्णु के नाम से भी विख्यात भगवान कृष्ण, रामचंद्र के रूप में पृथ्वी पर अवतरित हुए थे. उन्होंने अनेक लीलाओं का प्रदर्शन किया और मर्यादा, सदाचार, संस्कृति, शौर्य, विनम्रता और त्याग के आदर्श स्थापित किए.
भारत के प्राचीन धर्मग्रंथों में सदियों से इस बात पर बल दिया जाता रहा है कि भगवान अपने भक्तों को अपनी ओर खींचने और बुराई का नाश करने के लिए विभिन्न अवतार लेते हैं. उनके कार्यों की उनके परम भक्तों द्वारा प्रशंसा की जाती है, उन्हें याद किया जाता है और उन पर गहराई से विचार किया जाता है. हम इन कृत्यों को लीला (क्रीड़ा) के रूप में संदर्भित करते हैं. भगवान विष्णु ने अपने राम अवतार के दौरान भी इसी तरह की लीलाओं का प्रदर्शन किया.
Why are we celebrating राम नवमी?
जैसा कि आप जानते हैं, राम नवमी भगवान राम का जन्मदिन है। हिंदू धर्म की मान्यताओं के अनुसार, भगवान राम भगवान विष्णु के अवतार थे, जिनका जन्म इसी दिन सूर्यवंश में हुआ था।
वह अयोध्या के राजा दशरथ और रानी कौशल्या के पुत्र थे और उनके तीन छोटे भाई थे। भगवान राम एक वीर योद्धा थे, जिन्हें उनके गुरु विश्वामित्र द्वारा युद्ध कला में प्रशिक्षित किया गया था। उन्होंने वैदिक यज्ञों और समारोहों को बाधित करने वाली बुरी ताकतों से लड़ाई की।
आज के दिन, विशेष रूप से वैष्णव संप्रदाय से जुड़े लोग रामायण के पाठ पढ़ते या जप करते हैं, पूजा करते हैं और राम मंदिरों में हवन करते हैं। नवजात राम को पालने में रखने से पहले, लोग देवता की मूर्तियों को निकालते हैं और उन्हें पवित्र स्नान और नए वस्त्र देते हैं।
कुछ मंडल या स्थानीय समूह सामुदायिक भोज और धर्मार्थ कार्यक्रमों की व्यवस्था करते हैं। इस दिन लोग उपवास भी करते हैं। हालांकि, भगवान रामचंद्र की प्रशंसा में भजनों या भक्ति गीतों को सुनना आज की सबसे महत्वपूर्ण आध्यात्मिक साधना है।
रामायण के मुख्य पाठों में परम भगवान के प्रति लगाव विकसित करना और अपने कर्तव्यों को सांसारिक चिंताओं से पूर्ण वैराग्य के साथ पूरा करना शामिल है।
Rama Navami 2024 Date: Description in The Scriptures
Here is the Ram Navami Muhurat and Ram Navami time list for your better understanding. So that you will do puja on shub Mahurat

यहाँ राम नवमी के मुहूर्त और राम नवमी के समय की सूची दी गई है ताकि आप शुभ मुहूर्त पर पूजा कर सकें।
- राम नवमी तिथि: 17 अप्रैल, 2024
- मध्याह्न राम नवमी मुहूर्त: सुबह 11:08 से दोपहर 01:36 तक
- अवधि: 2 घंटे 28 मिनट
- सीता नवमी गुरुवार को: 16 मई, 2024
- राम नवमी मध्याह्न क्षण: दोपहर 12:22
- राम नवमी समय आरंभ: दोपहर 01:23 बजे, 16 अप्रैल, 2024
- राम नवमी समय समाप्त: दोपहर 03:14 बजे, 17 अप्रैल, 2024
Bhagwaan Brahma, in his scriptural treatise Brahma Samhita, prays to the Bhagwaan, praying:
ramadi-murtishu kala niyamena tishthan nanavataram akarod bhuvaneshu kintu krishnah svayam samabhavat paramaha pumon yo govindam adi-purusham tam aham bhajami
Meaning in English: “I pray to Bhagwaan Govinda, the Primeval Bhagwaan, who personally appeared as al-divine Krishna and the various incarnations in the world such as Rama, Narasimha, Vamana, and others as His subjective portions.”
Meaning in Hindi: मैं आदि भगवान, गोविन्द की स्तुति करता हूँ। जो स्वयं भगवान कृष्ण के रूप में प्रकट हुए और जिन्होंने राम, नरसिंह, वामन आदि विभिन्न अवतारों के रूप में लीलाएँ कीं। वे मेरे लिए उनके आंशिक स्वरूप हैं।
Ram Navami Celebration for Upcoming Years (2025-2028)
Dates | Day | Festival |
06 April 2025 | Sunday | Ram Navami |
27 March 2026 | Friday | Ram Navami |
15 April 2027 | Thursday | Ram Navami |
04 April 2028 | Tuesday | Ram Navami |
Spiritual Meaning of Rama Navami
- Rama (ra and ma): ‘Ra’ means light. ” Ma’ means within. The divine light within you is Rama.
- Dasharatha: Rama’s father is Dasharatha (dasa and ratha). “Dasa” translates to “ten.” “Ratha” denotes a cart. Ten chariots represent the five active or functioning senses (Karmendriya) and the senses that acquire information (Gyanendria). Talking, hands, legs, the evacuation portion, and the genitalia are among the active senses. The senses that help us acquire knowledge include our eyes, hearing, nose, tongue, and touch senses.
- Kaushalya: Mother of Rama. It denotes “skill.” The ten chariots are driven by an expert charioteer who creates the power that is housed in Rama.
- Ayodhya: Bhagwaan Rama’s birthplace and capital. “Yodhya” signifies “war,” and “A” is the negative prefix for that word. Thus, Ayodhya is the name of a location where there is justice and prosperity instead of conflict.
Legends tell of battles between gods and demons from several planets throughout the Satya Yuga. There were battles in the Treta Yuga between the gods and demons Rama from Ayodhya and Ravana from Lanka, who resided in separate parts of the globe but on the same one. There were conflicts in the Dwapara Yuga between the Pandava and Kaurava families.
The conflicts of the Kali Yuga are internal to everyone; Rama is our soul, Sita is our mind, Hanuman is the son of the Wind God, our prana, or life force, and Ravan is our ego.
Rama Navami 2024 Date: Performing Rama Navami Puja Vidhi
- Clean your house.
- Arrange a fresh Bhagwaan Rama idol or a Ram Darbar photograph, and cleanse them using sacred Ganges water.
- Use flowers, rangoli, and other decorations to spruce up your home.
- Apply sandalwood, kumkum paste, and tilak.
- Light an incense stick and a pure ghee lamp before the idol.
- Worship Bhagwaan Ganesha.
- Perform puja by reciting the Ramayan Path, Shri Ramcharitramanas, Shri Ram Raksha Stotram, and Sthapana.
- Fast according to your own choice and desire.
- A satvik dinner can be eaten at night while keeping a full-day fast.
- After Arti and the food distribution, Puja will be over.
How does the Ram Navami 2024 Date fit into the astrological context?
- Jupiter, the pious planet, is related to both the Moon and the Sun during Rama Navami Muhurat. The Moon is in Punarvasu, Jupiter’s nakshatra, while the Sun is in Pisces, Jupiter’s sign.
- Punarvasu Nakshatra’s Moon represents regrowth and the repetition of patterns, so choose wisely and be courteous to everyone you meet.
- Opt for happiness over sorrow, kindness over incivility, and optimism over negativity.
- Three planetary conjunctions in Pisces this year favor the Rama Navami festival: the Sun, Jupiter, and Mercury.
- This year, the kind Chandra Mangal yoga sign is in Gemini; consequently, practice compassion and stay on the straight and narrow road.
Why and Where Is Ram Navami 2024 Celebrated?
Ram Navami is observed in the communal spirit, so we celebrate it. People read and recite texts such as Srimad Bhagavatam and the Ramayana.
- Any kind of prayer is absolute in and of itself since the Bhagwaan is absolute truth.
- One can enjoy the recitals or participate in kirtans, bhajans, and Ram Navami Aarti (devotional songs) in homes or temples.
- The highest form of devotion is listening to God’s attributes mentioned in the scriptures. On this day, one can also participate in Bhagwaan Rama’s Abhishek (coronation) ritual.
- One can wear a bead representing Bhagwaan Krishna’s Ten Mukhi Rudraksha, Bhagwaan Narayan’s Eighteen Mukhi Rudraksha bead, or Bhumidevi, Vishnu’s wife’s Eighteen Mukhi Rudraksha bead. Each of these beads is connected to Bhagwaan Vishnu or Rama.
You can also participate in services at the Rama temples and observe the vrata (fast). Serving the lotus feet of Rama by participating in the temple ritual in a devout manner is seen as providing a service equivalent to that of Hanuman. One such fan is not ordinary.
History of Ram Navami
It is thought that the celebration of Rama Navami originated with the ancient epic Ramayana. The ninth day of the bright half of the Hindu lunar month of Chaitra is said to be the day of Bhagwaan Ram’s birth.
Rama is adored as a model human representing justice, bravery, and morality. The narrative of the Ramayana narrates the tale of Rama’s victory over evil and subsequent restoration to his rightful position as Ayodhya’s monarch.
Ramayana recitations, eating, and prayer are all part of the celebration of Rama Navami. Additionally, devotees offer fruit and flowers to Bhagwaan Rama.
Top Locations for the 2024 Rama Navami Holidays
Ram Navami 2024 is a lucky day for Hindus throughout the world. It is the day of the birth of Bhagwaan Rama, which is celebrated with much ceremony. If you’re looking for the best places to celebrate Rama Navami 2024, here are a handful of the most popular ones:
- Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India: Since this is where Bhagwaan Rama was born, it is the most well-liked venue to celebrate Ram Navami 2024. Thousands of Hindus will join the celebrations in Ayodhya. On this day, there are special pujas and other religious events.
- Pushkar, Rajasthan, India: One of Bhagwaan Rama’s most respected temples is located in Pushkar, a tiny village in Rajasthan. Across the nation, devotees travel to this location to offer prayers at the temple and bathe in the sacred Pushkar Lake.
- Rameshwar, Tamil Nadu: Rameshwar’s temple to the god Ram is the reason for its fame. The Rama Setu bridge was said to have been built to connect Rameshwar with Sri Lanka. Those who live close to Rameshwar could organize a two- to three-day excursion to this location.
- Badrachalam, Telangana: Bhadrachalam, a town in Telangana, is well-known for the Bhagwaan Ram temple located there. The location, near the banks of the Godavari River, is known for its vibrant celebration of Rama Navami. The hub of all Rama Navami celebrations is the temple.
- Sitamarhi, Bihar: Goddess Sita was believed to be born at Sitamarhi. For Hindu pilgrims, it is an important location. The Janaki Mandir temple is well-known for celebrating the Rama Navami holiday. The temple is having a fair in addition to decorating.
- Vontimitra, Andhra Pradesh: Tamil Nadu’s Vontimitra is a small town. The Kodandrama Temple is a well-known tourist attraction that honors the god Ram. A critical location to commemorate the Rama Navami celebration is this temple.
Celebrate Ram Navami In Ayodhya

As you all know, this year was exceptional because Ram Lalla’s first Ram Navami lived 500 years in his birth palace. Each person is touched and devoted to Ram Lalla and wants to see Darshan himself once. Devotees are in the entire craze for Ram Navami 2024. Let’s explore Ayodhya’s Ram Lalla Mandir more.
Architecture of Ram Mandir, Ayodhya
The Ram Mandir’s magnificent architecture in Ayodhya exemplifies Hinduism’s rich history and cultural importance. The temple is built in the Nagara architectural style, distinguished by its tall shikhara (spires), elaborate carvings, and magnificent statues. The deity of Lord Ram, along with his heavenly consort Sita and devoted follower Hanuman, is kept in the main sanctum sanctorum. Numerous shrines, mandaps, and pavilions are inside the temple complex, all beautifully painted with scenes from the Ramayana. The Ram Mandir’s imposing architecture is evidence of the adoration and devotion of millions of followers worldwide.
History of Shri Ram Mandir, Ayodhya – Mythology and Legends
Explore the historical roots of Shri Ram Mandir, Ayodhya, steeped in Hindu mythology and folklore. The temple’s narrative revolves around the revered figure of Lord Rama, a significant Hindu god.
The origins of the Ramayana, an old Hindu epic written by the philosopher Valmiki, may be found at Ayodhya’s Ram Mandir. The life of Lord Rama, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu, is recounted in the Ramayana. Legend has it that King Dasharatha and Queen Kaushalya are the parents of Lord Rama, who was born in Ayodhya.
At the beginning of this epic, Rama and his three brothers, Bharata, Lakshmana, and Shatrughna, are born into heaven. Rama’s marriage to Sita, an avatar of the goddess Lakshmi, made the early years of his life noteworthy. Due to his stepmother Kaikeyi’s plot, Rama is banished into the jungle, which sets off the historical conflict with the demon king Ravana.
The central portion of the Ramayana, “Ramayana Yuddha,” or the war of Lanka, culminates with Rama defeating Ravana and rescuing Sita. Upon his return to Ayodhya, Rama is anointed king, ushering in the era known as “Rama Rajya.” The Ramayana tale encapsulates responsibility, morality, and the triumph of good over evil.
How to Reach Shri Ram Mandir, Ayodhya
After the inauguration of Shri Ram Mandir, every devotee plans to visit there, and if you are one of them planning to visit Shri Ram Mandir, Ayodhya, there’s nowhere else to look!
With Zingbus, you can easily book your bus tickets and guarantee a convenient and enjoyable journey. Our user-friendly website allows you to easily book bus tickets, ensuring a stress-free trip to this revered location.
With Zingbus, you can pick your chosen timetable, select your seat, and embark on a spiritual journey to Ayodhya without dealing with lengthy lines and unclear travel arrangements. Get your bus ticket immediately to ensure your pilgrimage is unforgettable, and don’t miss out on the heavenly experience.
Top Bus Routes Travelled by People to Reach Ayodhya
- Delhi to Ayodhya Bus
- Agra to Ayodhya Bus
- Lucknow to Ayodhya Bus
- Gorakhpur to Ayodhya Bus
- Mehandipur Balaji to Ayodhya Bus
- Jaipur to Ayodhya Bus
Top Bus Routes From Ayodhya
- Ayodhya to Delhi Bus
- Ayodhya to Mathura Bus
- Ayodhya to Agra Bus
- Ayodhya to Greater Noida Bus
- Ayodhya to Gorakhpur Bus
- Ayodhya to Jaipur Bus
- Ayodhya to Ludhiana Bus
- Ayodhya to Varanasi Bus
- Ayodhya to Jewar Bus
- Ayodhya to Mehandipur Balaji Bus
What are the most essential life lessons that Bhagwaan Rama teaches?
Devotees pray to Bhagwaan Ram, also known as Maryada Purushottam, the embodiment of the perfect man, to guide them toward the proper course in life and behavior. In honor of Rama Navami Muhurat, let’s examine some life lessons that we can all learn from the life of Bhagwaan Rama:
Respect our parents’ dignity by behaving appropriately.
- Continue to love and respect our mother without fail.
- He represents the perfect brother who always looks out for his siblings.
- An illustration of maintaining “dharma”
Rama Ji is very close to every person, and people are devoted to him and his life lessons. Ram Navami 2024 is almost here, and people are there to celebrate the birth of their idol.
This blog provides information from the Ram Navami 2024 date to the Ram Navami Muharat. Along with organizing religious processions and singing devotional songs, people also organize celebrations of Ram Navami. To commemorate the life and teachings of Rama Ji, they also fast and pray.
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